The quality of our health, wellbeing, performance and relationships are interdependent. If one aspect of our lives is sub-optimal, the other areas will also be negatively affected. For example, feeling tired, stressed or suffering from a chronic disease means you cannot perform at your best and it will have an impact on your closest relationships and wellbeing. I experienced this firsthand when multiple chronic diseases debilitated me and I was no longer able to work as a scientist or photographer. This obviously also had a huge impact on my wife and family, as well as my social life.

In fact, everything is connected. The greatest people known in history were polymaths who understood the concept of unity and who combined science, arts and spirituality in one form or another. Or as Albert Einstein said: “the greatest scientists are artists as well”. We, humans - with our physical bodies, our intellectual and creative minds, and our emotional and social hearts, thrive under positive and supportive interactions with other people and nature. We are and will always be a part of nature in this world, even if we live in a big artificial city where there is no tree to be found. The recently discovered relationship between our health and our gut microbes that we get from the food we eat, is just one example of this interconnection with nature.

Whatever we create, anything that is human-made, affects the environment around us and affects ourselves in one way or the other. Some positively, some negatively. There is a growing body of research showing the importance of these interactions and connections to our own health and well-being. And in particular since recent decades, the unhealthy and unintended (negative) consequences of our narrow-minded human-made influences and technologies on the planet and the links to chronic diseases are becoming very obvious, as well as the undeniable necessity of sustainability while interconnecting economic, social and environmental aspects. Unfortunately, many people lack this understanding and still live in denial.

"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."  -  World Health Organization

In other words, you need a balance of the body, mind and heart to be truly healthy. She also recognizes the importance of a healthy planet and promotes sustainability worldwide.

However, it is not only up to governments, large companies and institutions to make a difference. In fact, the real responsibility lies with us, each individual person: our collective impact as individual consumers. Many of us have a choice when shopping that can have a positive or a negative impact. Are you making this choice consciously or subconsciously?

Especially the good work of those individual people and smaller companies that serve the planet and the people, deserve more attention (in contrast to focusing mainly on negative news). Because when it comes to making positive changes to health and sustainability, we are less inclined to do what the authorities are telling us to do (mainly because they are telling it in the wrong way), but we are stronger influenced by the people around us. The more people set a positive example, the more people will follow. And the more attention is given to these positive examples, the more people will be positively influenced.

For everyone to thrive, we need to combine every aspect of life and see that it is all connected. In particular, our health, wellbeing and performance influence one another. As I mentioned before, you cannot perform at your best when your health is compromised or you have stress from your relationships. Chronic stress negatively impacts your overall health and mental capacity. And to be in optimal health you need to adopt a mindset similar to healthy high-performers.

I strongly believe that anybody can be a Happy, Healthy, Heartfelt, Humane High-performer when you strive to be the best version of yourself and boost your brilliance

And that is why I decided to focus my scientific research, coaching practice and photography mainly on the aspects that improve our wellbeing, health and performance and on those inspiring people, businesses and projects that have balanced, healthy and sustainable interactions with a positive impact on each other and the nature around us.

Best and warm wishes,
Rolf Antonie Loch

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